Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jeans Chilli Chicken

10 Maret '13

Restoran Korea baru di Gandaria City, terakhir gw dateng ke sana belom buka. Dan kemaren ini orangnya bilang lagi ada diskon 30% jadi kita cobain deh :)

Rice Ball (Jumeok Bap) - 20k
Ini cerita di bukunya. JumeokBap can be translated as "fist bap" or "fist rice". This funny name is given because the ball shaped rice looks like the shape of a fist. In the old days, Koreans prepared this food for their soldiers at war. Today it has become popular for everday meals. Enjoy your "fist rice" with our special toasted seaweed & sesame seeds.

Jadi kita juga di kasih sarung tangan plastik buat campurin nasinya itu dan dibuat bulet-bulet.

Cheese Chilli Chicken - 62k

Ini hot and spicy BBQ Chicken w/ mozarella cheese in their secret Korean chilli recipe. Ini ada 2 ukuran, ukuran biasa dan small. Kita pilih yang Small, kalo yang biasa harganya 102k. Ayamnya enak & bumbunya nyerep, cuma gw ga suka karena ada banyak kulit ayamnya.

Seafood Cake Soup - 28k
Isinya lumayan banyak, kalo gw suka yang bentuknya segitiga itu. Kalo yang bulet gw ga gitu suka soalnya agak lembek-lembek.

Will come back for their Lunch Box (48K) - Choice of Main Dish: Jeans Chilli Chicken / EQ Honey Fried Chicken / Ginseng Fried Chicken / Cheese Chilli Chicken (Extra 5k). Includes Rice, Kimchi, Egg Roll, Pancake & Free Iced Tea. (Available from 11am - 3pm) soalnya waktu kemaren ini orangnya bilang menu Lunch Boxnya belom ada. :'(

*Harga belum termasuk Service 5% & Pajak 10%

Jeans Chilli Chicken
Gandaria City Lt. UG MU-11
Telp: (021)-29236374

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